Groovy - Narino Columbia

from $17.50

Medium Roast

Taste Profile: floral with notes of peach, slight chocolate, tangerine, honey, and malic acid. Mild, silky body, floral citrus residual taste, clean and consistent cup. 

Nariño is a province located in southwestern Colombia bordering Ecuador and is known to be a land of extremes. Coffee grown in this especially mountainous region with an average altitude of 2150 meters above sea level does not disappoint. Caturra cherries grow in an area that is under the shadow of the volcano Galeras, a volcano that constantly expels ash which is rich in nutrients and gives the cup a special colour. 

Region: Narino

Variety: 100% Caturra

Process: Washed, sundried

Elevation: 1800m to 2250m AMSL

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